Friday 10 July 2020

Politically I am neither Left nor Wrong

I'm an Anarchotechnocrat who understands Otto von Bismark's use of state welfare to defuse the rage of the middle class and hunger of the poor. I have Fabian leanings because the better the welfare system the lower the crime rate. As a technocrat I acknowledge that there have been insufficient jobs since the coming of the tractor decimated rural labour forces after WWI, so eventually we need to either abandon consumer economies or implement some variety of UBI.

I regard Marx as an idiot, and not a useful one. As I speak English, I find most American pontification on politics and economics to be meaningless babble. They throw around words like socialist and communist without the vaguest idea what they mean. While a number of countries have fallen under the control of groups styling themselves as the "Communist Party", as far as I am aware there has only ever been one Communist State. For a couple of years, post Mao-ist Albania was a functional Communist State coupled with a Socialist Economy. Unfortunately the experiment was aborted by a raging infection of #Crapitalism and pyramid schemes squeezed all of the wealth out of the nation.

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