Tuesday 28 July 2020

On Marriage

Way back when the Established Church (ie only legal one) recorded Marriages in their ledgers. If any question arose as to the status of the relationship between Mary and John, it could be answered by digging through dusty books.

Then people started moving long distances to cities where the book of their home parish was inaccessible. Around the same time religious diversity started to become an issue.

Inheritance; moral hygiene laws; contracts; huge areas of the law considered marital status as significant. Something had to be done, so the State stepped in to hold a central record of marriages and other significant life events.

Somewhere along the way a certain degree of protection of the vulnerable and various crank concepts like racial purity slithered in and so it went from a registration of a legally significant fact to the State regulating the institution of marriage.

In some places and times the regulation was minimal, not already married, old enough and of sound enough mind to understand what they were doing, not entering into a fake marriage to claim some benefit or privilege. In others it was intrusive.

I'd like to see the word "Marriage" given by the state to the churches, let the babies have their bottles. Hold back the registration of domestic partnerships and the protection of the vulnerable to the state.

Of course under such a reform I look forward to making popcorn and watching the fun when a Gay friendly church starts Marrying (Oh Noes!!!) same sex couples...

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