Saturday, 18 July 2020

Notes on Ming the Merciless

Menzies sold us out to the Mine Owners and English Agribusiness Investors. He killed our Space Program, computing, materials science and built environment research expertise, and artificially forced down STEM salaries. At the behest of the English and Americans he abandoned moving into high tech manufacturing by applying luxury tax to high technology, indeed almost any manufactured goods,  rather than tariffs, preventing local manufacture building a strong base. He (and his mates) attempted to impose Fascism on Australia but were forced to repaint it as Economic Liberalism after Hitler and Tojo moved against The Empire.

If we had taken up the manufacture of goods the way the US helped Japan do after the War, our natural resources would have made us world leaders, instead, we grew wheat, baled up wool and dug ores out of the ground all sold at rock bottom prices to the English and as they turned toward Europe, other markets.

He held our Universities back, as did his useless successors until the Whitlam revolution, ensuring that only those with the money to study in England got advanced degrees of any value, plus a few clowns on scholarships chosen to be our future middle management and backbenchers.

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