Banksterity - Making the 1% carry their share.
The Banks profit from their own mistakes, reach into the public purse, then insist the poor and the middle class pay. Austerity measures see the lives of billions across the world disrupted to preserve the wealth and profits of the very richest.
- Trading in all bank and financial services corporation shares suspended immediately.
- A 5% levy for 10 years on all income over 13 times the average wage in each country, no deductions.
- If a bank took more than 1% of its total deposits in government subsidies, or an absolute amount more than 1,000 times the national average price of a home in 2004, administrators are to be appointed for 5 years to ensure that the public receives every cent back with average credit card interest. All interest on residential owner-occupier loans to be suspended for 5 years.
- “Performance” bonuses paid to senior executives after subsidy payments to be reversed.
- Foreclosures on homes to be allowed only if the bank holds no (an insignificant number) vacant properties.
- Banks to be charged vacant possession fees equivalent to 24 hour commercial security patrols to repay the public purse for the fire and police services used to protect their vacant property.
- Any foreclosed property vacant for more than 6 months and in poor repair to be seized by the government, repaired at the bank’s expense and used to the public benefit by sale or lease with no return to the bank. Any foreclosed property vacant for 1 year to be sold at no-reserve auction with the proceeds after administrative fees returned to the bank.
- A public enquiry into the finance sector in each country with the highest level of power to investigate and to compel witnesses.
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