Many things in Wicca have changed. The changes are well documented.
There are several traditions, not just that of GBG. Even GBG's religion evolved with the addition and expansion of his original work by the likes of Dorien Valient. Gardner started out condemning homosexuality, eventually he accepted it.
Here in the Southern Hemisphere even most Trad Wiccans now circle sunwards not clockwise, and celebrate Midsummer in December. They are a few still hidebound by the calendars written in England a half century ago, but they are increasingly rare.
Wicca itself was an eclectic conglomeration of Cabalistic/Abrahamic imagery and now largely discredited early 20th century anthropology and folklore studies.
Wiccans share
- the Rede, at least the short form
- a belief in a masculine/feminine duality in our relationship with the numinous
- a relationship with the natural cycles through a solar/lunar ritual calendar.
You do not need to be initiated in a lineaged tradition to be Wiccan, you need that to be a lineaged member of that tradition. Wicca is a mystery religion, one path to the mysteries is through the rituals of GBG and his original coven. Another valid path is to seek those mysteries for oneself. That won't qualify you as a 17th Degree Priestess of the Isle of Ducks Tradition, but it will make you Wiccan if you share certain basic beliefs.
Except that beliefs aren't necessary, because what is shared is rituals - actions.