Sunday 27 March 2011

Things to do.

I'm sure there are things to do in Toowoomba, I often hear about them after they've happened.

Bad enough that bad Saturday bus timetables and nothing Sunday or in the evenings makes getting to and from things hard. A Sunday event takes planning and saving for a taxi. Which means you need to know it is on.

Quite annoying. A lack of reasonable communication about events, especially fringe things mean that events are smaller than they should be. It goes beyond the obvious, there is something strange about Toowoomba.

Or should I say Toowoombas. There is not just one City of 100,000 people. For some strange reason, Toowoomba splinters, schisms, is clannish and divided. Time and again I discover that things of interest have been happening in one of the other Toowoombas that I would have supported if I'd known about them. It is as if there are a dozen or so small towns with the same highways running in and out of them that don't internally overlap despite occupying the same geographical coordinates.

For some reason people cluster looking inward, and there will be more than one circle of Anime Fans or D&D players or Goths or Pagans or Accordian Players or Stand Up Comedians. Which would be great, diversity is good, except that they either ignore the other groups with similar interests, actively go all Highlander (There Can Be Only One!) or engage in the kind of infighting usually reserved in fictional for Cat Breeders Societies.

I've attempted to address this a little with a facebook group called Minority Retort, trying to encourage people to subscribe, tell their friends, and post things of interest.

(Toowoomba) Minority Retort

My GF and I are also trying to get a Goth social thing happening through

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