Monday, 31 August 2020


Commercial bananas are not usually bred from seed. They are taken as cuttings. Mutant sprouts are cut off and planted to see what kind of fruit they produce.
If your banana is seedless, it is most likely a free growing tumour...

Friday, 28 August 2020


As teenagers we were never invincible, as you age¹ you just become less suicidally stupid... I just hope I grow out of suicidally stupid before it kills me.

¹ the 29th is my 55th Birthday. As kid I was told I wouldn't live past 40.

Sunday, 16 August 2020

As Menzies so glowingly said...

Menzies' Opinion
Mr. Neville Chamberlain (British Prime Minister) had established a new departure in diplomacy and as a result the elements that made for peace were increasing every day, said Mr. R. G. Menzies (Federal Attorney-General), when addressing the Australian Women's National League today.

He had displayed more imagination in handling the European crisis than any other Prime Minister for a century, added Mr. Menzies. The French Revolution was a minor incident "If you were Germans," added Mr. Menzies, "you would take off your hats to Herr Hitler, who does really rule Germany and is not a figurehead. He has produced results. He has been able to bluff and the other nations have not been able to call his bluff."

Mr. Menzies expressed an opinion that the principal cause of war was ignorance.

Saturday, 15 August 2020


Secularism is founded on the idea that your right to impose your religious laws and to protect your god from offence ends the moment you enter public space, which is to say at the door of your temple or your home

Friday, 14 August 2020

Being a Sorcerer is sometimes odd.

Being a Sorcerer is sometimes odd.
You skim over incantations in popular fiction because millions of nerds believe just a little bit and that gives them power.
But when you need a quick healing spell, because millions of nerds believe, just a little, every single day, you incant:
"Cure Moderate Wounds"
and feel the power surge through you.

No acceptance!

You do not have to accept how you are, 
you can always get worse...

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Rio Tinto vandalism

A few weeks ago Rio Tinto destroyed a 46,000 year old rock art gallery. With government permission.

They then apologised, not for their Crime Against Humanity, but for how upset it made people. Other companies have permits for similar vandalism over coming months.

Rio Tinto are a transnational, the Chairman is British, the CEO is French, the CFO is Danish. Only the victims are Australian.

Other mining companies are similar. Multinational pirate crews destroying everything in pursuit of profit.

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Gender is not biological.

Gender is purely a social construct, biology is about sex, which is complex too.
How can some palid milksop in a suit in London's Square Mile and a Tuareg Warrior riding across the desert both be "Manly". A male sharemarket clerk almost certainly can't put on eyeshadow with any flair at all.

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Left propaganda

Can't trust lefties like FoxNews...

The Entertainment channel for National Socialists.

Monday, 10 August 2020

Nerd Dancing

I've been binging on Anime lately to counter a desire to go into hibernation.
Nerds do not dance badly, it is just that nerd dancing sequences are badly animated. Consider the nerd dancing by Rikka interspersed in the first 20 seconds of this: Love, Chunibyo and Other Delusions! Ending Theme

Or, quintessentially Angel - "I don't dance..."

Sunday, 9 August 2020

Satire? Real?

Unfortunately, in The Age of Doltron, you can never be more than 80% certain something is satire, and likewise that it is real...

Saturday, 8 August 2020


As statistics show us most who dabble in Discordianism last less that 5 years, I shall cease to be Discordian any day now.

I have been Discordian since 1981, any...

I know my Goddess is Imaginary,
She tells me so Herself.

[Hail Eris. All Hail Discordia.]

Friday, 7 August 2020

Ducking Heck!

I have been contemplating the word duck. Ducks are the funniest creature in English. "Duck!" is the essence of slapstick. Maybe that's why Pratchett created that most intriguing of minor characters, The Duck Man. Being childish one can tell someone to "Get ducked <sic>". On that note #$@@% you all

Thursday, 6 August 2020

I am a useless cripple

I'm a useless cripple.
I have contributed.
I've influenced policies of many political parties. I've stood up for my rights and won, and sometimes lost. I've stood up for the rights of others. I've raised issues and championed causes.
I've taught people life skills, from coping with stress to cooking to solving problems.
I've tried to help people through teenaged angst, through homelessness, through family breakdowns, and I held hands through crises big and small.
I've made mistakes. I'm not perfect, and I have not always been successful in every way I've tried to help every time.

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Recording Police

Arizona may criminalise recording cops in public.¹

"If they have nothing to hide, they have nothing to fear..."

They have lots to hide
We have everything to fear.

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

TheAlternative Truth is out there

Usually offered by RWNJs in a flood of links to youtube videos from channels like YouKnowsItsFlat and UkraniansForTrump

Monday, 3 August 2020

Arguing with the "Right"

Have you noticed how certain people demand we do in-depth research and justify every statement with citations, but their own pronouncements tend to be without visible means of support?

Sunday, 2 August 2020

Universal ethics/beliefs...

Universal ethics/beliefs...
  • Don't kill anyone unless someone important tells you to.
  • Don't steal stuff off anyone bigger than you unless you have armed backup (this is known as The Underlying Principle of Taxation).
  • Don't provoke gangs bigger than yours (the Government is the biggest gang of all)

(Prescriptive ethics/beliefs are a different game entirely.)

c.2010 AWL

Saturday, 1 August 2020

Wicca? Well,yes.

I'm Wiccan, yes, which means I believe a number of things...

Responsibility for my own actions.
(There is no forgiveness vending machine in the sky).

That the Numinous is omnipresent and immediate.
(Divinity is within and without).

That my way is right for me.
(Other people may find different Stairways to Heaven suit them better).

That the Masculine/Feminine duality is at the core of being human. 
(And that we each express aspects of both).

Finally I believe that I should minimize harm while perfecting my Self.

(Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill, An it harm none do what ye will.).